Leader and coach in one person


Coaching approach to the management of people has recently become one of the hot trends among managers. A manager thus becomes a leader and coach in one person who is able not only to get the employees engaged but also to earn respect of external businessmen and recruiters. What distinguishes such a leader from other managers? Six following qualities typical of a leader and coach in one person were published by the business2community.com server.

1. Honesty and authenticity

A leader and coach in one person possesses strong moral principles. He is straightforward and does not hide anything. He at the same time treats the others with respect. He does not care about what is popular but about what is important.

2. Active listening

A leader and coach in one person listens to his employees and encourages them to share honest feedback. He pays them full attention and does not interrupt them.

3. Asking questions

A leader and coach in one person is not a directive boss. Rather than giving commands he asks questions. By doing this he tries to help his team to think deeper and to grow.

4. Setting the ego aside

A leader and coach in one person concentrates first and foremost on the success of the others. More than in “I” he is interested in “we”.

5. Enthusiasm and energy

A leader and coach in one person enjoys his work, and therefore, he is able to inspire the others. His energy is contagious and gives him strength to overcome demanding challenges.

6. Interest in learning and improving

A leader and coach in one person keeps looking for ways to improve the status quo. He is open to new ideas and invites the others to adopt creative and innovative ways of thinking.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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