Do not accept liars


You are about to hire a new team member or to decide whether to cooperate on an interesting project with a new person? Then you should try to eliminate the possibility that your new colleague will blatantly lie to you. Even though some people are very proficient liars, there are certain unconscious cues which can help you to detect a liar.Carol Kinsey Goman, a nonverbal communication expert, described the cues on

1. Get to know the person's natural behavior

First, observe his/her behavior in a non-stressful situation so that you can compare it with how the person behaves under stress. Start with questions which will not give any reason to lie.

2. Watch manifestations of stress

Pathological liars are difficult to spot because lying is natural for them. Most people are, however, stressed by lying and thus experience a higher blood pressure, heartbeat and rapid breathing. The first reaction, however, is to freeze. Pay attention to situations when a person who was moving stops gesticulating and loses his/her smile.

3. Look in the eyes

Even a mediocre liar can look in your eyes. Therefore, watch the two typical eye manifestations of lying: pupil expansion and change of the rate of blinking (slower when coming up with a lie and significantly faster after the lie is expressed).

4. Search for more indicators at once

There is a typical set of four movements, attitudes and activities that occur at the same time and indicate lying. These are: 1) touching hands, 2) touching face, 3) crossing arms, and 4) leaning away.

5. Pay attention to answers

Liars tend to answer questions in a way that they actually remain without response. Question: Have you left your last job at good terms? Answer: I have left for new opportunities.

6. Pay attention to the voice

Another indicator of lying is a change of the vocal pitch, which is also related to increased stress, namely the constriction of the vocal cords. People then need to drink more or lick their dry lips.

7. Watch attempts to hide emotions

Smile is a typical example of an attempt to hide lying. You can identify a pretended smile by the fact that only the person's mouth is smiling.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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