LinkedIn: The photograph matters


Having a profile on the LinkedIn social network is a common tool of professional presentations on the Internet today. It serves job candidates, professionals that wish to present themselves as experts on a certain topic, as well as businessmen for establishing contacts with potential customers. And a professional presentation also needs a professional photograph. Think about how many profiles with a bad photo or even without a photo you have already seen. What did you think of them? Probably nothing positive...

That is why the website pointed out the unnecessary mistakes that are made when using photos on LinkedIn, which we have summarized for you into the following tips on how use photos to make a more respectable presentation. Start by not leaving your profile without a photo. This automatically evokes an unpleasant feeling in people making them believe you have something to hide and are therefore not trustworthy.

Quality and light

Your photo should be in a high enough quality so that you are recognizable. It should be made in the right light so that it is not too dark or, conversely, over-exposed. When you reduce it in size, make sure it is not too pixilated. Visitors of your profile want to know what you look like and not that you don’t know how to use basic photo editing software.

Professional appearance

Your photo should not send out an obvious signal that it is an auto-portrait. Do not take a photo of yourself while holding the camera in your outstretched hand or using an online camera. Proceed according to the field in which you want to profile yourself – whether it’s more traditional or, conversely, more creative. The best thing you can do is to have a professional take your photo.

Boredom versus letting go

Try to make your photo not too boring. But it’s not necessary to do any excessively creative experiments, such as photos from wild private events. It’s enough to choose a colored background or to have your photo taken in an environment that is reflective of your business.

In color or black and white?

If your photo was taken in black and white with a certain intention, use it in black and white. But if it was made in color, don’t try amateurishly changing it to black and white so that it looks more elegant, as the opposite would in fact be true.


Article source The Undercover Recruiter - popular British recruitment and career blog
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LinkedIn: No photo, no trust


LinkedIn: The photograph matters