How do others perceive you at work?


Quality of work is unfortunately not the only criterion by which we are evaluated at work. Our superiors and colleagues are watching how we behave at work, too. Based on what they see, they make certain conclusions which we may or may not like. What should we focus on so that we do not send signals our neighborhood will misinterpret? This question was recently asked on the U.S. News website by Alison Green, author of a popular management blog. She advises to pay attention to the following areas.

Who do you associate with?

Try to think of who you are surrounded by at work. If you spend most of your time with colleagues whose performance and morale are below average, others will perceive you similarly.

When do you leave?

An employee who leaves exactly at the stroke of the last second of his working time is usually not perceived as being loyal. Staying too long is, however, equally dangerous - this may look as if you do not know how to organize your time.

What are you wearing?

Even if your job does not require you to wear a suit every day, look what your superiors are wearing. Let your clothing to express how you want to be perceived.

How do you engage in discussions?

If you remain silent during meetings or just play with your phone, you will definitely not make a good impression. Therefore, always try to contribute with something or at least give the impression that you are paying attention.

How does your office look like?

If there are no personal things at your workplace, it looks like you do not want to stay for a long time. However, this does not mean that you should have photos and other personal things everywhere around you. That would give the impression that work is not your priority.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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