Five tips on how to induce a positive working atmosphere

A hostile environment and stuffy like before a storm. Such an atmosphere should remain on the battlefield. But how to defend when negativity permeates your office? The business website U.S. News offers a guide on how to resist and create a friendly working environment.

1. Do not be influenced

Probably we all have a pessimist in our team who only looks for the bad in every situation. Do not be influenced by a negative mood and do not look for problems. Focus instead on solutions and common goals. If you need to solve a problem, solve it as a team with regard to the common purpose.

2. Be the first to praise

Everyone needs to hear occasionally some words of praise for his or her input. Unfortunately, such feedback is rare in many companies. Show initiative and be the first to demonstrate appreciation towards your colleagues.

3. Strengthen mutual trust

If your colleagues in the team do not trust each other, how is it possible to create a positive atmosphere at the workplace? Trust that your colleagues are capable and competent. They will support you as much as you support them.

4. Get to know each other

Do your colleagues have children? Do they live in a single-family house or play squash too? Try to get to know your workmates a little better and promote good mutual relations. After all, you do spend many hours of your time together, don’t you? They are also people, not just employees of the company. Maybe you will then be looking forward to seeing them more after the weekend.

5. Brighten up the working environment

If you work in a small, dark and dingy room with one small window facing onto the yard, it is not surprising that you think and act negatively. Create a positive atmosphere instead. Hang pictures on the wall, bring some photos, flowers, turn on the radio and sort out the stuff on your desk, which tends to accumulate. Can you see how the physical space where you spend your working hours has brightened up?

Remember that each team member creates a working atmosphere. Are you the negative one or positive?


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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