Being a parent is a good qualification


When people speak or write about working parents, they mostly deal with the problems of work-life balance or  discrimination of parents by employers. Let us, therefore, look at working parents from the other side.

The fact that you are a parent means that you have a number of skills that will help you to increase your success at work. You should remember these skills and make your employers aware of them, too. What should you answer next time when your current or future employer asks you why he should prefer yourself to someone younger and childless? Job portal advises:

"I know how to manage my time."

Every parent knows that when you have children, you have to know how to schedule your time. He is able to plan every minute of a day and how to include all necessary things into his plan. You should stress that you, for example, do not have time to spend your day on social networks.

"I can do more things at once."

If you have children around you, you have to constantly multitask. It is normal for you and you are doing it very well whether you are at home or at work.

"I am a team player."

A parent cannot care only of himself. He is used to listen to others and also to persuade them to do what is right. When you can do this with children, you will do it even better with adults at work.

"I can keep a positive mindset."

Parents know that if they show their bad mood, their children would be immediately in the same mood. Therefore, they tend to smile and treat people positively. This is important in any job.

"I am very patient."

Sooner or later, every parent will learn patience. He can repeat one thing even five times and remain calm. All things come to those who wait.


Article source Jobsite - Job search and recruitment for UK jobs
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