Your boss is not your mother


Do you ever ponder what your boss really wants from you? In that case the following article is meant for you. If you want to check whether you don’t behave as strangely towards your bosses as your subordinates sometimes behave towards you, read the following edition from the management advice series written by Alison Green. This time on her blog on the US News website she summarized the “8 things your boss wishes you knew.”

  1. Don’t come to me with problems, come with solutions. Even if I choose a different solution in the end, I want to see that you gave the matter some thought.
  2. The “tit for tat” principle always applies. For example, if I do not give you a raise, it does not mean that I do not appreciate your work but rather that I would have to cut somebody else’s pay.
  3. The work attitude is just as important as the work results. Managing someone who refuses feedback and is hard to get along with is not sustainable over the long-term.
  4. If I approve your request, I will also have to approve the requests made by others. I therefore have to be select well what I approve.
  5. I give you feedback in order to help you. It’s not a personal attack.
  6. When I assign a project to you, I want you to really drive the project and not only do the required minimum.
  7. I expect you to be independent in thinking and handling problems with colleagues. I am not your mother.
  8. If you really need help, come see me. I want to know when you’re struggling so that I can help you.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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