Why are managers losing their employees?


You have surely met a manager, with whom time spent together at work became a nightmare, and the only positive thing was the coming weekend. Companies are often surprised that employees leave them, not because of the work itself, but because of incompetent managers who are unable to get on well with them. The Daily Muse website gives you three reasons why:

1. Failure to familiarize employees with the objectives

Managers who are ineffective communicators with the team leave their employees confused and without a broader awareness of the tasks and the desired outcomes. The solution is thorough preparation for every team meeting. Lead the meeting according to a clear and concise agenda and leave sufficient time for queries. In addition, provide continuous feedback to employees in order for them to have an overview of the fulfillment of objectives and further tasks.

2. Lack of personal contact

Managers who give out clear tasks and accurately define objectives may fail in other elements of communication. Without personal contact with individual team members, they lose their connection with the whole team. The solution is to include personal contact among their daily goals. Start simply; just leave your office door open all day. Employees will not have the feeling that they are disturbing you if they need to consult with you. In addition, also include some casual topics in conversation, not only work-related ones. However, always maintain a professional approach.

3. Failure to prevent the spread of negative atmosphere

Managers who are unable to support employees in their efforts or to prevent gossip, retaliations and other conflicts in the team, can spread a negative culture in the company. The solution is to set an example and solve disputes before they disrupt the working atmosphere. Show your employees that you are a trustworthy, reliable and inspirational manager who requires professionalism and who is able to motivate and appreciate their results.

Employees who have an excellent manager are not only satisfied, but are also able to do their work easier, and thus more efficiently. And how satisfied are the employees in your team?


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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