Each job is sometimes demanding. However, if your boss is overly demanding in everything he wants from you, is it more harm than good. Such a boss may feel the need to control everything, he may worry about losing his position, or be a dogged perfectionist. Anyway, he lacks empathy; but he is your boss and you cannot just tell him that it is impossible to work with him. Thus, if you do not want to leave, you have two choices - to lose your motivation and burn out, or to learn how to manage your boss. Forbes.com advises how to do it.
Don't take it as a personal attack
When you look around, you will probably see that your boss behaves to others in the same way. Try to think about the cause. Maybe, it's his personality trait. He may, however, also have an equally demanding boss above him.
Don't let your boss abuse you
Don't put yourself in the position of a martyr who must take responsibility for things he can't control. If your boss does not know that you provide great performance, or he at least behaves that way, tell him about it. However, be careful to control your emotions. Arm yourself with sense of humor rather than hysteria.
Become a better listener
Listen to what your boss says carefully. Since he often demands many things at once, remember to always summarize his requirements. You will make sure that you understand each other and, moreover, you may get your boss aware of the fact that his demands may be exaggerated. Always agree on priorities.
Keep a positive attitude
The more negatively you behave, the more your boss will think that you are incompetent. When he can see your peace of mind and your effort to achieve the best results, he can also better see that he may want too much. Once you spot that your boss starts to behave the way you would wish, let him know it as soon as possible. Thank him for his understanding. And inform him know about your successes, because these are his successes as well.
Search for solutions
If you know in advance that a problem will arise, mention it in time and suggest a solution. It may not be the final and the best solution. You have to show that you don't only talk about problems, but think bout them. If you only come with problems, your boss will think that you have not enough work.