Choose your vacation according to your personality

The purpose of vacations is to have a rest. Everyone should therefore plan a vacation according to their habits and preferences. Do you know what type of vacation is best for you?


If you don't, read the following article inspired by the recommendations of Susan Krauss Whitbourne, professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Based on her article on the Psychology Today website, we have summarised the following questions to help you discover your "vacation personality".

How much do you enjoy planning your vacation?

If not at all, do not stress yourself with planning. Take advantage of the organisational abilities of your partner or choose a group vacation someone else will organise for you.

How interested are you in new experiences?

Do not force yourself to an exotic vacation or adrenaline experiences if you prefer calm. Instead, visit some proven places or only try something new step by step.

How well can you communicate with people?

Try objectively to evaluate your level of assertiveness and temperament. If you tend to cause conflicts, you should consciously try to keep calm during your vacation, no matter what happens. On the other hand, if you have problems with people who are more assertive than you, travel with someone more assertive.

How much of a perfectionist are you?

Many people want a literally perfect vacation - a perfect place, food, people ... If you are one of them, remind yourself of the fact that nothing can be perfect. If you keep comparing your vacation with an elusive ideal, you will never have a real rest.

How alone do you want to be?

Some people prefer meeting a lot of people and having a lot going on around them; others prefer solitude and silence. Think of what suits you before choosing the place for your vacation.

How much guilt do you feel when on vacation?

For some people, vacations can be very stressful because of being away from their work and family routines. This, however, does not mean you should not go on vacation at all. You needn't travel far away or be completely cut off from your normal habits. Proceed slowly and remind yourself that you are on vacation to relax so that you can become a better worker, parent, friend ...


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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