Why is nobody interested in your LinkedIn profile?


You have set up a profile on the LinkedIn social network and you are expecting a flood of interesting job offers. In reality, however, you are not receiving anything. What's wrong? Answers to this question were published on careerealism.com. The career-related website advises not to give up. The most common mistakes include:

1. Neglecting SEO

If your profile can't easily be found in search engines, nobody will open it. You should, therefore, focus on keywords. Your potential employers or business partners are looking primarily for specific job titles, skills and locations (cities). Think about after the entering of which keywords into a search engine you want to be found.

2. Copying your CV

Your profile on the professional social network should not include only phrases copied from your CV. The profile offers you an ideal opportunity to reach readers by providing a true account of your qualities. Create content tailored for the web - fresher, more concise and written in the first person.

3. Too much information

Don't try to cram all the details of your professional life into the profile. Nobody reads long texts on the Internet. Perceive the profile as a brief introduction of yourself, similar to a cover letter. The aim is to attract potential employers or partners so that they contact you with requests for more information.

4. Too long work history

Whether we like it or not, age discrimination still exists. If you are over 40, 50 or even 60 years old, don't draw unnecessary attention to the fact. Don't let employers exclude you in advance based solely on your age. Focus on your work history in the past decade. You don't have to specify what you were doing thirty years ago.

5. Wrong contact settings

Make sure that you yourself are not discouraging other LinkedIn users from contacting you. Check your profile settings to see whether you have not disabled the function of receiving messages from other users. Choose what specific types of messages you want to receive. If you prefer to be contacted by phone, publish your phone number.


Article source Careerealism.com - career and job search blog
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