Setting organizational culture: The basics


Many top managers will tell you that both the company strategy and culture stand at the core of long-term quality performance of the firm as a whole. However, while most employees are constantly planning strategy, from finance to marketing and accounting, the focus on culture is not as strong. This may be because company culture, being a more abstract reflection of employee behavior, is harder to grasp. Culture describes the firm´s norms, values, visions, expectations and habits.

Culture setting is still quite a new topic and it is therefore relevant to become acquainted with basic knowledge of what to and what not to do, as published by Diversity Executive.

From top to bottom. Cultural changes can not survive "in the trenches" of the company if top management is not committed to them. Cultural rules must apply to everybody and it is advisable to include them in official documents, such as, the strategic plans of the company. All managers than need to model the company culture for their employees.

Moreover, the culture must merge with the general agenda of the company. Culture does not exist by itself, its purpose is to have a positive impact on the company, and to help the company flourish economically. Cultural rules need to be clear, but flexible enough to be applied in all cases. If the culture may be ignored by some or at certain times, the cultural morale will decline rapidly.

Culture is a summary of long-term norms. When culture change is introduced, it may seem to produce positive results. But it is necessary to evaluate it continuously to ensure the desired results. Culture setting is a process that takes a long time and it should be measured in years.

A company culture should also be distinct and unique, it's purpose is to draw together team members and support the unity of the firm. Of course, this can only be achieved by actively promoting the culture, not in the form of boring trainings, but by top managers serving as cultural role models.


Article source Diversity Executive - a U.S. magazine and website focused on diversity
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