What to watch out for during small talk


"Small talk" is not only chatting about nothing. It's a way to establish and develop relationships with people as well as an ability to gain a good starting point for deeper conversations. We often read and hear about how to make the conversation going using small talk, i.e. what to talk about. Now let's focus on what not to talk about. Careerealism.com pointed out to the following topics of conversation that will reliably destroy your chances of anything you want to achieve by small talk.

Remember that in small talk it is important not to place anyone in a position where he or she could feel uncomfortable.

Marriage, children

Do not ask strangers or people you know very little whether they are married and whether they have children. Think of how you would look like, if they answered no.

Husband, wife

Even if the particular person answered that he or she is married, it makes no sense to ask what his wife of her husband does. Do not ask about too much personal stuff.


Do not start the conversation even by asking how the particular person's work goes in his company. If you do not know him or her very well, it could be unnecessarily embarrassing.


Even though important elections are just taking place, avoid this topic. Never start with it.


Imagine how you would feel if someone asked you which college you had attended and you had to answer "none". Others will feel the same when you ask them.

Generally, you should ask open-ended questions so that others do not respond only yes/no and then there would be silence again. Start e.g. by asking the person how he or she likes the place where you met or how the journey was. Then respond to what you learn.


Article source Careerealism.com - career and job search blog
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