What are the most common mistakes of new managers?


Managers here, managers there, managers everywhere I look ... Many leaders deserve their posts thanks to many years of experience. Their leadership style is determined by the level of their knowledge, and they are able to effectively lead the team to meet their goals. However, there are managers who have gained a management position very quickly, and due to their lack of experience may make many mistakes, even though they are surely capable. The Business 2 Community website mentions eight mistakes:

1. Be on good terms with everyone

The primary task of the new manager is to unite the team while enhancing trust and mutual relations with each member. However, keep in mind that your role is not to be friends with everyone, but above all the leader who holds the team together.

2. Think that the management position ensures authority

The job title of manager is not a magic wand that you wave and all the tasks will be done automatically. Do not issue directives; try to inspire the team to work with you on tasks.

3. Promises, promises

Do not promise anything you cannot deliver. Although you personally are saddled with every injustice or failure of your team, do not earnestly try to save every situation with words. Rather, define modest goals and promises.

4. Many changes at once

It is obvious that the new position brings new challenges. You surely have your vision of what further action the team should take. However, do not try to change the entire company at once. Present your ideas gradually and at the right time. Moreover, this is more effective.

5. Pretend to be Super(wo)man

No one is infallible, so do not try to hide all your flaws because of the belief you cannot afford to in your current position. Everyone learns from mistakes, and hiding your weaknesses can harm not only your professional development, but also the company's health.

6. Be a micromanager

Do not get mired in details, and trust your team members to do their part of the task well. Your job is to assemble the pieces of their work into one cohesive whole.

7. Avoid criticism

Avoiding confrontation with subordinates due to their lack of discipline or poor results slows down the performance of the whole team. Take precautions in the form of immediate constructive criticism and do not let these difficulties overwhelm you.

8. Assume that you know everything

Even a mentor needs a coach. Your new position can involve many unanswered questions, so do not be afraid to ask someone more experienced for advice.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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