5 steps to a healthy brain and a better career


The findings of contemporary neuroscience now show that the human brain is not sentenced to deteriorate with age. The gray matter can regenerate and create new active cells throughout human life. "Once new neurons appear in your brain, where they stay and how long they survive depends on how you use them," Fortune.com cited Alvaro Fernandez, founder of the SharpBrains company focused on research in the field of preventing Alzheimer's and other forms of brain disease.

Interestingly, the behavior neuroscience recommends for the prevention of dementia is also ideal for career development. So, how you can train your brain while improving your career?

Constantly learn something new

Better educated people usually perform more mentally stimulating work, which in turn helps give birth to new neurons in their brains. Moreover, with more knowledge and skills you will receive  better job offers.

Get to know new cultures

You can start by learning a foreign language. Then spend sometime involved in international work opportunities. By learning how to live in a foreign cultural environment you will not only boost your brain, but also your career.

Search for challenging tasks

Once you find yourself stuck in a routine, try to find a new challenge. Research shows that very narrow specializations are not best for our long-term brain health.

Do not get stressed

Stress inevitability destroys your neurons and damages your career. Therefore, find  ways to fight stress. Everyone has his own way to do this. What are the yours? You can start by taking a vacation to think about it.

Develop relationships with others

Regular socializing with many different people can contribute to both short-term and long-term brain health. Also, your friends can be useful if e.g. you want to change jobs or hire the right people.


Article source Fortune.com - website of the American business magazine Fortune
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