Is your company able to succeed today?

Times are tough and conditions are changing and unstable, report articles. Leaders face the challenge to adapt to sudden changes; they are forced to build more and more sophisticated strategies and cooperate both on a local and global scale. The Leading Effectively website discusses the strategy leaders should choose in order to survive in this turbulent time.

The cause of all problems is the fear of change. Leaders in all spheres of business are overwhelmed with sudden changes and the complexity and ambiguity of the future that results from their decisions. If you want to face future challenges, you have to learn how to work with numerous restrictions, to cooperative effectively and to use your own ideas to influence the company culture.

How to prepare for changes?

Do not try to eliminate changes and uncertainty. Transformations occur in organizations only if leaders go along with the uncertainties of change and do not hide behind well-rehearsed procedures and responses. You must accept  complexity and ambiguity, and face it using complex tactics, micromanagement and procedures.

Do not ask others to make the changes for you. If you feel that with someone new, a fresh wind of inspiration will blow through the company that changes their previously standard procedures, you are wrong. To effectively influence your company's future, change your own opinions in favor of new organizational processes and the business itself. Just as the global leader in the elevators and escalators KONE teach their top management mutual trust and openness in order to face business challenges through better communication and creating a positive atmosphere. Improve your ability to notice quickly what does not work and replace it with better ideas.

Build interdependence. You have to face changes together. A leader's skills should be developed not only individually, but also collectively in an interdependent leadership. Leadership is a social process, in which it operates through an interrelated hierarchy within the leadership. Each level has to deal with their own challenges to shape strategy and drive through changes. Therefore, if you want to address this complex process, you must ensure the interdependence of the leadership that results in openness and a deeper understanding of the challenges that organizations face.

Transforming the culture in response to existing conditions begins with the leaders at the top, and it is a long and difficult process. However, it works. Are you willing to accept the challenge?


Article source CCL Blog - official blog of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®)
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