Be the master of your own time


Time is the most precious thing we have in our life. Every minute is unique, and therefore, it is very valuable to us. So, what are you doing wrong when you go home constantly overworked, you almost never see your family and have no time left for anything else? The Open Forum website has published four tips on how to plan your time effectively and on how not to go mad.

1. Be realistic

Create a very specific list of tasks for the next day, but be realistic. Write down only those tasks that correspond to the priorities you've set, and also depending on the time you have at your disposal. Tick off every task you complete. It enhances your motivation to continue to the next.

2. Do not distract yourself

Important tasks require your full attention. Do not let the noise all around distract you. You do not know how much attention a ringing phone, blinking emails on the desktop or noise flowing through an open office door rob from you.

3. Do not be so obliging

If you nod to everyone who requests help with this or that task, then you never tick off all the items of the day from your diary. Learn to say no in situations where you really cannot afford to waste time.

4. Find out when you are the most productive

Are you an early bird or maybe an night owl? If you are the most productive in the morning, plan your most demanding tasks at just that time. If you have the feeling that you think best at night, do your routine work during the day, answer emails and then return to assignments at a later hour.

Are you able to handle tasks more efficiently now? Do you find that you do not go to bed late and your worried face has also disappeared? Great! You passed one of the fundamental lessons of time management.

Can you add any own tips?


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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