Whom should you promote?


As a responsible manager, you are certainly interested not only in your team's successes, but also in the professional development of its members. However, are they up to it? The Daily Muse website has prepared 7 tips on how to identify the employee who deserves promotion. And no, it is not just about fulfilling your expectations.

1. Observe results

Results to date are definitely not the only assessed factors; they are, however, a good starting point. If you can quantify performance at a certain level, then you can easily tell who exceeded these results and who did not. It is useful to obtain feedback from clients too.

2. Who stays late and is flexible?

Okay, maybe this is a little harsh. But who else is willing to devote a little more effort to his or her job above expectations than the employee worthy of promotion? Pay attention to those who are time-flexible and even willing to move because of their job.

3. Who offers a solution instead of complaints?

Everyone complains - directors, managers, frontline employees. However, you should rather look for someone who may complain but, on the other hand, can come up with an effective solution to a problem. Such a person is ready for greater responsibility rather than being just a regular team member.

4. Who is sharing his or her knowledge?

Has a new colleague joined the team and your employee willingly accepted responsibility for his or her training? This is a sign that you have a promising person in front of you who pays attention to the development of your team by sharing their own knowledge.

5. Who is interested in further education?

Your employees surely do not know everything. But do they have a tendency to improve themselves? Where do they seek sources of information? Has someone asked for training in a specific sphere? Those are your people.

6. Who requires your feedback?

Not everyone enjoys an evaluation of his or her person and work. But someone who asks for feedback continuously is ready to be on the upgrade and look for shortcomings that he or she could improve.

7. Who talks about career progression?

It is a quite showy approach of some employees to mention accidentally (albeit jokingly) promotion. However, few initiate a conversation on this topic themselves. Therefore, pay attention even more to those who ask about details of the support process or want more information about a higher position.

The promotion process is a joint effort of you, the manager, and, of course, the employee who deserves it. Do you know who in your team aspires to a better position?


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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