How to talk about uncomfortable things in the workplace


Time to time, every manager has to face the unpleasant duty of dealing with an awkward problem that is difficult to talk about. It may be telling a superior that his or her expectations are unrealistic, announcing a failure or voicing criticism of employee work performance. In order to make this duty easier, the server has published the following tips:


  • First phase of preparation. What you should ask before you act is connected to the question of who is responsible for the area of concern. Is it you? Is it somebody else? Then, it is necessary to consider who already knows about the problem and who it involves. What consequences might your actions have?

  • Second phase of preparation. Prepare the second party for the discussion of the problem. Think about what approach you should choose towards those involved in the issue. Off set bad news with good news. Try to find the best possible conditions to give the hard truth to the affected people.

  • Express yourself clearly and briefly. This is no time for euphemisms or beating around the bush. Express yourself briefly and directly so there is no possibility for alternative interpretations. Long, useless explanations only make the other party's suffering worse. Give the person enough time alone to deal with the news.

  • Work on a solution. Now, it is necessary to get rid of the negatives and to focus  on an effective solution of the situation. Do not let your employees ponder too long over what was said, instead involve them in the creative process of resolving the situation. Support a positive atmosphere and encourage team spirit, but at the same time stand firmly behind your decisions, even more than at other times.


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