Etiquette in professional relationships - Do not pull out someone's chair


Etiquette is an important part of building professional relationships. You simply cannot be successful without knowing how to greet your business contacts properly or how to behave while eating in a restaurant. Therefore, let's recall some basic rules of business etiquette based on the recommendations from the latest book by Barbara Pachter which were published on

Barbara Pachter is an internationally recognized expert on etiquette. She organizes seminars for leading companies and appears in professional media. She has written ten books that have been translated into eleven languages. Her latest book entitled The Essentials Of Business Etiquette summarizes the following most important rules of mannerly behavior every professional should know.

  • Always introduce yourself using your full name. If your name is too difficult to pronounce, write the correct pronunciation on your business cards.

  • When you are introduced to someone new, always stand up.

  • Be careful not to thank someone more than once or twice during a conversation. You could look helpless.

  • Send written thank you notes after meetings, always within 24 hours. Thank everyone individually.

  • Regardless of your hosts' gender, open the door for them, but never pull out their chair.

  • When you sit down, do not cross your legs. Keep both feet on the ground next to each other.

  • When you want to point out something, use your whole hand. Using only your pointer finger looks too aggressive.

  • Always eat bread using your hands.

  • Do not stack empty plates, or even push them away. Wait for the waiter to take care of the dishes.

  • Do not ask for the remaining food to be wrapped up for you.

  • If your guest orders an appetizer or a dessert, order one as well. He should not feel uncomfortable eating alone.

  • Find out what food your guest prefers in advance and choose the restaurant accordingly.

  • Do not let your guests pay, always pay yourself.

  • Prepare several ways to politely end and leave the conversation. Always leave after it is you who has been speaking.

The book Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success was published by McGraw-Hill in July 2013. You can view and purchase it through the online store here.

PACHTER, Barbara. The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. 256 p.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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