Can you sell yourself?


Surely, you have gained many interesting experiences during your professional career. However, how many people actually consider you as a real authority in the industry? The Daily Muse website has published a few ways to improve your business image.

Share your knowledge

You, teach someone? Do not panic. You immediately think of the audience in the university auditorium. You do not start there. Do you have any interesting experiences, hobbies or skills? Look for professional seminars and conferences on a topic of interest to you and attend them. If you are afraid to take on the lecturer position, at least take part in a discussion and make some contacts. The organizers are always looking for "fresh minds". Who knows? Maybe later you will lead your own seminar.


Building an image on the web is quite simple. Are you working in the pharmaceutical, finance or IT sector?  Look for professional portals with subjects pertaining to your area of specialization. Then offer to prepare a serial of articles on an area in which you are an expert. In this case, remember you are not selling the products of your company, but yourself and your know-how. Alternatively, start your own blog, however getting an audience may take longer.

What about peers in my industry?

Whether your domain is technology, HR or services, you should also seek opportunities to meet people from your industry. You will get updated information about what is happening “in neighborhood” and you have additional opportunities to share your experiences. But, beware of your competition.

Good luck!


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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