The paradox of a creative individual


No, this is not a physics or astronomical phenomenon. We are still moving in the realms of business, even though we can sometimes consider creative people to be from another planet. Whether it is in a positive or negative sense, we can surely agree that they are an interesting sort of people. There is something admirable and, sometimes, even paradoxical about them. The Fast Company website focused on these unexpected facts:

1. Creative people are brimming with enthusiasm and energy, but can also be quiet and calm. They can concentrate on work for hours, and then share their ideas with others enthusiastically.

2. Creative people are smart and naive at the same time. Smart in thinking of novel ideas, yes. However, fluency and flexible thinking, or the ability to combine different options are needed so as not to become overly-fascinated with one single idea.

3. Creative people combine playfulness and discipline or responsibility with irresponsibility. Creative people are able to pursue their ideas late into night and nothing can deter them. In a way, they are responsible enough to complete the task but irresponsible when it comes to other current obligations or needs.

4. Creative people are both extroverts and introverts. Each of us usually tends to be more oriented toward one or the other of these options. For creative people, it seems they belong to both categories, which somehow corresponds to the first point.

5. Creative people have an abundant mix of uncertainty and pride. Arrogance may actually conceal doubts. You have surely encountered it before. Uncertainty is related to sensitivity and lack of self-confidence.

6. Creative people break gender stereotypes. Especially at a young age, creative women are more resilient and dominant, while on the other hand, creative men are more sensitive and less aggressive than other members of their sex.

7. Creative people are vulnerable because of their openness and sensitivity, but they can enjoy their work as well. The job simply has to entertain a creative person. That's why he does it and why he chose this business. Without fun of it, the creative juices evaporate, and it would be better for your budding copywriter to run away and write poems instead.

All of these factors must be taken into account in case your team has a creative person and you are responsible for his results. Establish an acceptable framework for your cooperation with a creative person, but also offer him enough support and space to express his feelings. So let creative people "think out of the box". That is the only way to gain unique and fresh ideas.


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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