An ideal manager


How someone like him can lead people...? Do you ask yourself this question sometimes? Then you have probably met a man who is simply not a good manager. Can you recognize who has the right potential to become a manager? The About Management website has prepared several clues:

1. He is a man of action. He hates hanging out and actively works on something all the time.

2. He is an organizer. He is able to share tasks with others in the team without any problem. He directly delegates certain activities to them while he himself takes a great deal of work too.

3. He is an enthusiast. He is fully involved in his work and enjoys observing problems from multiple perspectives.

4. He is a perfectionist. If there is time and space, he likes to focus on every detail and want his project to be as perfect as possible.

5. He is a strategist. "Plan" is not just a four-letter word for him. He enjoys preparation of the individual tasks.

6. He is self-reliant. It is not a problem for him to cooperate with others. However, he has always been a bit of a loner who handles his share of responsibility.

7. He is convincing. He is not afraid to stand up for his opinion or work and boldly defends it in front of the others.

Who is he?

Of course your ideal manager who is not afraid to take his share of responsibility for the assigned tasks and employees.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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