Career: How do you recognize you have reached a dead end?


Maybe you are among those lucky ones who really enjoy their profession and find it fulfilling. Anyway, probably every one of us wants to feel some progress, right? How do you know that the post you have reached in your current job is the final one? The Business Matters website has prepared five signs of how to recognize it:

1. Your promotion means waiting for someone's leave

If you desire further career growth, and we believe that you surely do, try to discuss further opportunities with your boss. If he appreciates your talent, he will offer you an opportunity at a higher level. If it is not possible, and you have to wait until someone leaves a higher post, then you really do not have the possibility of further growth. Do you want to wait?

2. The work has become uninteresting

Your work is not always fun. But you have chosen this position for some reason, right? If you find that your job is not as fulfilling as it was earlier, you have to think about whether this is a temporary or permanent state.

3. The development of your position stagnates

You have been doing the same work day after day for a long time. Either the status quo suits you or you long for a varied workload, but this work lacks diversity. How can you improve your skills and abilities?

4. Your contribution is not appreciated

Do you think that your proposals fall on deaf ears, or it is you personally and your solutions that no one appreciates? It is time to think about the possibility of moving on and and finding an employer who gives you motivation for your work performance.

5. You have the possibility of promotion, but you are not interested

This is a clear signal that you are in a dead end where there is a way everywhere, but not ahead. If you do not change your job, or even the industry where you work, your career will soon stagnate and you will lag behind.

What is the next step?

If you identify yourself with any of the above points, you should think about whether a horizontal step (within your company to an equivalent position) or a complete jump away (to another employer) is not an ideal solution to your current career stagnation. Discuss your future career prospects in the company with your boss and evaluate your skills and experience. If there are not enough possibilities within your current company, use a wide mapping of your current options. If you are interested in a particular industry or any specific company, follow its progress and open career opportunities. You can also use regular RSS feeds or preset mailing to stay up to date.

It is not bad to be stuck in a dead end, but waiting for spontaneous salvation is surely not right...

What are your career prospects?


Article source Business Matters - website of a leading British magazine for small and medium sized companies
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