How to get out of your comfort zone


We have built a society on the concept of creating a comfortable life. Lately, it seems that the escape from comfort is surprisingly the only way to fully develop and expand your or your company potential. Are you one of those who still has not reached their life dreams because you refuse to leave the safe comfort zone? The Open Forum website advises you how to dare...

I believe you have experienced thinking, "It is not the best, but I did what was necessary." or "It is not as much as I would like, but I will make do with it." Do you only try to make the current situation more convenient in some way instead of trying to see how far you can go?

The advice is: Do not stop when you have enough!

How could we progress without a constant effort to improve oneself or current practise? Market leaders do not enter the competitive fight without the desire to get more for and from themselves. In addition, turbulent times and the specter of crisis force us to leave our comfort zone and face new challenges and find solutions.

Create discomfort

1. This exercise will help you get out of your comfort zone. Establish a weekly list of new contacts (any number) with whom you have never communicated. It is like when you move to another city. You have to make new acquaintances and acquire knowledge of the new environment. You cannot afford to refuse such a commitment. You will feel more confident, creative and talkative with each new contact.

2. Time is not a roadblock so every time you say something like that you are busy, add a new activity to your calendar. Learn how to create free time by cutting tasks into smaller portions of time. Only then, you will be effective.

3. Write down your fears and learn to face them. It does not matter what it is, but with each small confrontation of your fear, you can overcome it.

4. Try a new role in your company, at least for a few hours. If you can get other employees to do this too, it can be very instructive, especially for executives.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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