When an employee faces personal problems


A useful article published by Salesopedia server deals with the difficult situation of a manager or team leader of an employee facing personal problems. Despite the fact, even from management point of view, that personal well-being is, essential for effective functioning of an individual, this topic is conspicuously avoided. So what are ways of helping an individual who finds him or herself in a difficult situation?

Provide help.  If an employee is faced with a death in family, illness, or a break-up with a partner it is important to prevent his or her withdrawing from others. Only in the case of a very serious problem it is necessary to seek professional help. However it often helps to talk to a coach or an HR specialist. It is also advisable to reduce the work pressure on the troubled person. By this, we do not mean send the employee home and let him or her weep alone in the dark. However, it is better to assign new projects and challenging activities to someone else.

Avoid ignoring the problem. The employees difficult situation should not become the number one topic of the workplace.  But it is desirable that a relevant superior talks to the person directly. The earlier you diagnose and define the problem, the easier the solution will be. The harm caused by a decline in the work affects not only the employee, but also the company through his of her relationship with customers and colleagues. When communicating with the affected person, the rule is that anything is better than silence.

Provide support to the employee during his or her time of difficulty by creating an ideal working environment. If your relationship with the worker has been primarily professional, you, as a manager or as a colleague, can help by engaging him or her in something productive. Try to support the team spirit of the workplace, promote the corporal culture and focus the activity of the whole team towards something positive.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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