Technology is no excuse for poor management


Is the colleague in the other team unable to produce a convincing performance while you absolutely excel? Or is the opposite the case? And how is this possible if you both have the same tools and technologies available, such as telephones, e-mails, access to webinar tools and more? The same phenomenon has been observed by the Management Issues website, which came up with the idea that technology is no excuse for poor management communication.

The difference between you and your colleague (or your colleague and you) is in the approach to using the available technology tools. Some may complain about the lack of personal contact, not realizing similar real personal interaction can be created through the technology. So the problem is the motivation that affects how and whether to use the available technology. However, choosing an inappropriate tool may have a worse impact in terms of interpersonal relationships and communication.

One example: how often does it happen that you are told unpleasant things especially via email? It may be easier for the manager to send negative messages electronically and thus avoid the looks of his staff and their objections or questions. However, what effect does this have on interpersonal relationships? Well, maybe it was easier than summoning all team members to a meeting room. Email technology has thus served its purpose but the choice was not optimal.

Effective leadership is about adequate communication, which, however, cannot take place without appropriately chosen means, especially at the global level. If you do not wish to use such means because you cannot operate them, or if you use another "hasty tool", as in the example above, that is your choice. Nevertheless, do not be surprised when you lose open relationships with your colleagues and your team's productivity suffers as a result. All assumptions, objections or concerns are left unsaid as your shortsighted behaviour did not allow space for them to be expressed.

Think about it: what is in fact important? Your reluctance or inability to use every means available to share information, or the resulting information, successfully negotiated conditions, or mutual understanding? Just as your customer cares less about the process than the final solution to his or her needs, so your colleagues and partners are not concerned about anything other than a successful communication process between you both.

If you really need to listen and respond to potential concerns and you do not have the opportunity for personal contact, a single webinar or other means of communication with limited interaction are probably not the appropriate tools - but this is not the fault of the tools. Consider always the desired outcome that you wish to achieve during each interaction and then choose the tools accordingly. Email is possibly a great way to share information with others consistently and quickly, but you may need also to consider other options, such as various discussion forums or groups in which the panelists can share their ideas and solve problems together, if there is no possibility of real contact.

Two things are true of virtual teamwork: first, it is not easy work without the physical presence of others; second, it is not impossible. Once you accept both these facts, it will be much easier for you to deal with performance and communication difficulties. You can start right now. Learn to use your previously neglected tools for virtual communication here.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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