Do not waste too much time organizing your time


We all strive to continually improve, become more productive and better organize our time. These efforts may,  however, be counter-productive. The more time we try to save, the more time we could waste. Management consultant Steve Tobak pointed out this fact in an interesting article on

"Our obsession with self-improvement and personal productivity bears remarkable similarities to the self-help genre and our endless pursuit of quick fixes, miracle cures and wonder pills," Tobak writes about time management. "It’s all obsessive, compulsive, addictive behavior that futilely attempts to fulfill a bottomless need for instant gratification, attention, and distraction. And, among other things, it’s an enormous waste of your precious time." So the question is: How should you manage your time so that it is not a waste of time?

Do not try to shorten your working time too much

If you want to do your job properly, you need a lot of time. If you try to work for less and less time, you may end up dedicating all your efforts to a hunt for something unrealistic.

Do not watch your cell phone and e-mail all the time

If you do not expect a very important message, you do not need to be constantly available. Learning to turn off your computer and cell phone will really help you increase productivity.

Do not try to organize your work environment better and better

Even productive people have a mess on their desks. They do not always have to know where exactly they can find something.

Do not try to change yourself into a morning person

Some people are simply not morning types. If you can, do not force yourself to work from early morning. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Stop feeling guilty.

Do not try to be more and more productive

It is ideal is to combine what you do for living with what you enjoy. Then you will much less care about whether you work long hours and you will experience less stress. You do not always work as hard as you can. Work as hard as you need to complete your task.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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