How (not) to use LinkedIn


Many articles have been written about how to create an attractive, marketable profile on the LinkedIn. Do you know the most suitable group to join and the best picture for your profile? Yes? But, are you familiar with what you should not do? If you are not sure of your answer, read the following mistakes posted on the Business Matters website.

1. You expect something in return. The ability to write a recommendation for someone is great. However, you can not automatically expect to get one in return. There are relatively few people who know each other well professionally. Your recommendations should be honest, without expecting anything in return. People who respect you will surely return you your favor.

2. You wait till the last minute. Building relationships is not based on a single contact. If you want to make new connections do not only contact them when you need something from them. Think of the future, where you want to be and ideally who can help you towards that goal. Does he have a professional profile on LinkedIn? Begin to build your contact network as soon as possible. Comment on posts of chosen individuals, listen to their opinions. Definitely show interest.

3. You forget the purpose of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is not Facebook or another leisure social platform. If you want to share a wider variety of materials and comments, remember who may be viewing your messages.

4. You ignore development. Today, LinkedIn provides original content from "thought leaders" allowing others to follow these people, comment on their posts, or share published ideas. Currently only the most influential people have a huge number of followers. But you can make the most of the tools by planning what you want to get in the future. It will eventually be possible to achieve accessible to everyone. How will you build your brand?

5. You ignore sharing. The easiest way to stay up to date and show that you are interested, is sharing articles, blog posts, videos and other content. All these activities are displayed in your stream, where others can learn more about you, your interests and opinions.

6. You ignore your professional network as contacts. People, with whom you have a close professional connection, can most easily introduce you to someone they know and on and on...

7. You are too general. "I would like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn." Is it really the most imaginative sentence you can do for a first contact? It is understandable that you are busy, but there is surely a better opening sentence to introduce yourself.

How successful is your LinkedIn profile?


Article source Business Matters - website of a leading British magazine for small and medium sized companies
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