Can you change the game rules?


Technology, efficiency, process - all these words are certainly well known to you. They are usually accompanied by minor or major changes focusing on varied objectives, such as increase turnover, higher customer satisfaction, and removing rigid, inflexible processes. Innovation is the common denominator in these changes. However, who is behind change? The Business 2 Community website has identified five characteristics that, if you possess them, prove you can change the rules of the game. What are they?


Players in the field of innovation are usually passionately interested people who believe in change and all the good things it can bring. Do you remember Forrest Gump and his run across America? If you are passionate about something, your commitment to the cause quickly attracts fans determined to follow you.


Passion alone is not enough. Many people have ideas that remain on the drawing board in their mind.  If you have drive, then you are just one step away from converting your passion into real results. Moreover, thanks to the implementation of ideas, you will attract a wide contact network.


If you wish to manage innovations successfully and need help to suceed, do not hesitate to ask. Do not be afraid to push the boundaries a little further and test the limits.


Innovative players are not afraid to ask for forgiveness later, if the target is not met. They are willing to sacrifice some things and take risks.


All the above would not be complete without constantly studing new knowledge in the industry. It is easy to become complacent  when the times are favorable to business  but when times are tough long term, then the awakening is rougher. Innovators never sleep.

True innovators will always seek people who are like-minded and can help them define and acheive their goals. The challenge is to put these people together, sadly in many organizational cultures it may never happen. Nevertheless, it is something to think about. If you are in the process of the starting  your own business, then as an entrepreneur, you have a vision you want realise. You have to find people who will help shape it, marketing specialists, HR managers, investors, salespeople... Establishing a company does not differ too much from building the most innovation team.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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