How to manage an employee who drives you crazy


No manager can always have a team made up of his best friends. This is often not even desirable. However, a situation may arise when you can not stand one of your subordinates. You may perceive him as annoying and obnoxious although his performance is very good. How to behave in such a situation? How else other than as a good leader.

Discover the cause of the problem

Why is the person so annoying? He or she may remind you of someone you had unpleasant experience with from your past. In this case, you need to let go of your prejudices, as it's your problem. However, if the employee is undermining all your efforts and negatively affecting the functioning of the whole team, then you should intervene.

Focus on his better side

When you focus on what you do not like about the employee, you are only strengthening your negative feelings. Try to consciously perceive his strengths which are helping him successfully perform his job. Yes, maybe he talks too much, but he is also able to sell a lot. Once you see the benefits for the company, you can tolerate his weaknesses easier.

Evaluate the impact on the team

Pay attention to how other team members react to the particular employee's behavior. They may dislike his attempts to dominate every meeting or please everyone in all circumstances, the same way you do. Openly ask your people what changes can contribute to more efficient meetings and set new rules so that everyone can talk.

Discuss it in person

If you are not sure how to interpret the behavior of your employee, talk to him face to face. Openly ask him if you properly understand what he is doing. Give him a chance to explain his behavior, this will help you find out whether it is just a problem in communication style.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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