Fun tips to train your creative thinking


Neuroscience defines creativity as the ability to create new and useful combinations of seemingly disparate or diverse ideas. Even the creative process in our mind connects different parts of the brain. And because different parts of our brain can be consciously activated, nothing prevents us from consciously developing our creativity as well. We have found interesting tips for you on how to work on your ability to think creatively on

Watch the clouds

The weather is starting to be really nice. Take advantage of spring to watch the clouds in the sky. What can you see?

Describe things using different words

Choose any thing in front of you and try a simple exercise. Describe it using ten different words.

Draw something

Take a pencil and a paper and paint e.g. what you can see out of the window or at your desk.

Train your left hand

If you are right-handed, perform a simple exercise with your left hand. Try brushing your teeth, combing your hair or writing something down.

Try something new

Try a new food, new music, new language or learn to play a new instrument.

Find new uses for old things

Look around yourself for new ways to use the various things around you. Mustard jars may, for example, serve as practical drinking glasses.

Train your brain and you will see new and new ideas coming to your mind.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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