5 steps to being praised for good work


You have probably already experienced the feeling of having done a great job but nobody acknowledged your efforts. In fact, this happens more often than we all would like. Managers are simply too busy or your organisation does not have a formal strategy to reward the achievements of its staff other than by sending regular pay cheques. You would like to hear praise but do not feel comfortable asking for it directly. It is important for you to be properly recognised, so how to achieve this? Here are some recommendations from businessinsider.com.

Recognise others

Actively praise your colleagues. Not only will you contribute to a more pleasant work culture but also inspire others to do the same for you.

Regularly talk with your boss

Agree on regular meetings in order to discuss your work achievements. Only one annual performance evaluation is not enough.

Use available recognition tools

If your company already has a system for expressing recognition to its employees, such as voting for the employee of the month, become actively involved. Do not nominate yourself but one of your colleagues.

Share your success

Even if you are recognised for a task you were working on alone, always appreciate the work of your colleagues too. Next time, they may do the same for you.

Learn to accept compliments

It is definitely not true that your success is "not worth mentioning", as we often say when we hear praise. If someone compliments you, accept it and thank them for it.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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