8 examples of a leader's instinct


A leader is someone who stands out even in a crowd full of experienced and successful people. The reason is not only charisma and likeability but in general a leader's mindset and behaviour which has become natural. Leaders have acquired expertise, as well as an ability to make quick decisions, communicate with different people, motivate and inspire. They do all this absolutely automatically, instinctively.

Do you want to test whether you have the instinct of a leader? Then read the following summary of leadership instincts written by Jeff Haden, author of management-related articles on Inc.com.

1. Praise

Good leaders know that there can never be enough praise. They express praise to their staff naturally, automatically, often and sincerely.

2. Decisiveness

Another natural characteristic of leaders is the ability quickly to assess a situation and decide on a solution. A bad decision is better than none.

3. Responsibility

Leaders take account of errors. They can admit to their own imperfections and actively build an environment where mistakes are admitted to and corrected. Mistakes are challenges, not opportunities to blame others.

4. Communication

Good leaders do not tell their staff what to do. They explain why things should be done and help staff understand the common mission. But, generally, they listen more than they talk.

5. Example

Employees follow the behaviour of their leaders very carefully. Therefore, you have to set the right example to them.

6. Feedback

Good leaders see their subordinates not only as employees but also as people. They communicate with them individually and offer a helping hand to make their lives easier and more comfortable.

7. Help

Real leaders are not afraid to show their vulnerability. They do not pretend to know all the answers. They ask questions and do not hesitate to ask for help.

8. Independence

Thanks to the independence at work offered by good leaders, employees can better accept work assignments as their own and engage more in fulfilling them.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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