Six "NO-NOs" of business networking


Are you one of those people who do not like building relationships with strangers at social events very much? Then you should know that networking masters do not just fall from the heavens fully formed. We have prepared a few suggestions for you on what to avoid if you do not want other people to run away from you or to point at you as soon as you enter the room. Start by making a resolution to honestly work on yourself and improve step by step.

Do not distribute your business cards

Do not try to give your business cards to all the people around you without talking with them. If you want to get to know someone, you have to start a conversation.

Do not pretend you've already met

People would automatically fear that you want to impose on or sell them something. Just as in your personal life, you should not build relationships on lies even in business.

Do not talk too much

You will get much more attention from others when you ask questions and listen. The more you talk about yourself without being asked, the more you will annoy others. Also be careful to devote your full attention to the person you are currently talking to. You can look around later on.

Do not wait to be contacted

If you ask one of your friends to introduce you to someone else, take the initiative as soon as you are introduced. You can't expect a person you want to meet to call you to arrange a meeting with you. You must be the one to act.

Do not ask strangers for recommendations

If someone does not know you, they cannot trust you and will never recommend your services to others. Just because you passed each other in the hall at a conference is really not enough. Building a relationship takes time and effort.

Do not take before you give

Your goal may be to gain a new business contact, a new business opportunity or a new job. The first thing you should ask, however, is what can you do for others, not vice versa. Try to offer something to your new contacts so that they are motivated to reciprocate.


Article source - Fox News website
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