The roots of failure


Why do many people fail to achieve their goals? On the website, Jared Kleinert (the co-author of 2 Billion Under 20, a fascinating book about how Millennials are redefining success and changing the world) offers an answer. In fact a whole number of answers, for there is more than one possible reason. So let’s look at some of the most common causes of failure. Go through them and see if anything applies to you. It may be holding you back.


It may seem risky to start a business from scratch and leave your good job but you should think about the risks of not making that “big change”. When you work for others, your destiny is in the hands of your superiors or business owners. The true risk is not to giving yourself the opportunity to fulfill your dreams.

Not enough focus on passions and skills

Many people know what they are passionate about and what are they good at. But not many of them have actually found success. This can be the result of never thinking about where their natural talents and their skills intersect. They could excel in that specific area.

Lack of determination

Most of people do not strive for success or change. They just kind of want it, but that is not enough. You must have a desire for change and the success connected with it. You must be 100% into it. Make an all-out effort, deploying all your skills.

The importance of bouncing back

It is not easy to achieve your goals. There can be internal mental, emotional and physical conflicts as well. You have to overcome them, and occasionally all three at once! Then there are external problems: other people's doubts and pressures from your competitors. You have to bounce back – and then miracles can happen.

Share your knowledge

You cannot be successful on your own. Successful people never hesitate to introduce two people who may benefit each other. They can mentor anyone who needs a mentor. They offer help and they give back to their community.

Taking too much advice

Sometimes there are too many people advising you. Sometimes they do it for your own good, but that is often a dangerous trap because you feel that they care for you. But that does not mean that they are right.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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