Respect is a prerequisite for trust

Respected people appreciate others. Their own toil and hard work do not need to be celebrated but you can be sure they will recognise the efforts of those around them. For them, it is natural to send a thank-you email or leave a short note of appreciation. They know that it does not cost so much time to express gratitude. And they are well aware there are always enough people to be grateful to.


The behaviour of respected (and therefore trusted) people has some common features. These were noted by Website

They are humble

The modesty and humility of respected persons are connected with another kind of behaviour: such people rarely seek the limelight. For them, that is not the highest reward. The source of their motivation is their beliefs: they try to uphold the values they consider important. In business, they seek victory – but a shared victory. They think of things in terms of impact and change.

They understand that you reap what you sow

The truth is that you can identify a person who is probably highly respected solely by how they act after entering a room. They will shake hands with everybody and also give them a look in the eye and a warm smile. Respected people never fail to find the time to acknowledge others. To sum up, respected people have the mindset of giving. Generosity is a concept of selflessness that regularly enriches their lives.

They do not live in an ivory tower

Respected people do not consider themselves above the rest. They know other peoples' jobs and the whole business from the bottom up. And they do not mind occasionally getting their hands dirty.

They keep their promises

Highly respected people keep their word because they know that nothing means more than reliability. They never arrive late. And rather than empty words, they prefer to let their actions speak for them.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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