How to renew your energy?


Everybody feels work-related stress from time to time, many of us feel it today and every day. We usually fight against stress by trying to analyze the causes of our problems and solve them. This practice is also stressful. What to do? Let's try to forget that we are responsible adults and get inspired by children. Children react to stress immediately. If you have a children, you are certainly very aware of this. When they are tired, they start nervously playing with something. If they feel under pressure, they start to scribble ... recently summed up some interesting tips on how to get rid of stress and restore focus within a minute inspired by children. What are they?

Peel an orange or banana

Peeling an orange will help you focus your mind on a simple and enjoyable task. You can try to peel it in an uninterrupted spiral. Feel, then smell, then taste it. In addition, vitamin C will give you new energy. If you do not have an orange, take a banana. Bananas contain potassium which lowers blood pressure.

Enjoy an ear massage

Let your head fall slightly forward and start the massage by softly kneading both your earlobes. Concentrate fully on the massage for just one minute and you will immediately feel more energy. You can also extend this short kick-blood exercise by stretching your fingers and toes.

Play with a paper ball

Crumple up a piece of paper and try to throw the paper ball into your waste basket. When you reach five successful hits, you can continue working. A game will help you relax easily and you will also feel good about your victory.

Find a funny screen saver

It can be a picture or animation of anything which makes you laugh. You can also place a funny toy or thing directly on your desk. The purpose is to smile when you look at it.


You do not have to draw a picture. Just take a minute to concentrate on doodling. Your brain needs some time off to focus on something meaningless.

Look on the wall

This may sounds strange, but it works. Choose a point on the wall in front of you and and intently look at the point for a minute. Relax and let your mind go blank. This is a proven way to clear your mind.

Do you have you any one-minute rituals that help you calm down and recharge?


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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