Perfection paralysis: Why not be imperfect


In the world of entrepreneurship, perfection is not always the most desired goal. It can slow you down and even cripple you. Do take risks, and don’t be afraid to take a step just because you don’t want to move in the “wrong” direction. Don’t confuse perfection with success, because otherwise you will be caught in the perfection trap. True success involves failures, and you have to forget many things that you have been taught are “right“, according to the website.

Fear of shame = need for perfection

We want to avoid humiliation and shame. You get good grades, get the best job, then you are promoted, find a great partner, buy a nice house, but because you are constantly trying to justify your life and existence, it does not work. Because chasing external recognition doesn’t lead to feelings of true fulfillment and happiness. Traditionally, to be successful you have to follow the rules, avoid experimentation and avoid risks, play it safe and get good grades. When you are in business, these rules are reversed.

True success is not perfection

People who are able to fail and quickly learn from their mistakes are those who survive. Prototyping and trial and error is a necessity for your ideas to find solid ground. It is better to admit that you are confused than pretending to look smart. It is necessary to disentangle perfection and your self-worth. Focus on the positive opportunities of a failure and don’t take it personally. Commit to learning from your mistakes, don’t be wrecked by them.

Take action

Because by acting you break the paralysis induced by your need for perfection. Don’t waste your time by postponing what you want to do. It may not be perfect, but it will still be better than nothing, won’t it? Many successful people admit that they had failed before succeeding. Don’t chase an ideal – nobody is perfect.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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