First learn to manage yourself


A good leader should know himself and his people very well. If you want to streamline the operation of your team, you should start by learning how to better recognize your own emotions. Start by focusing on what triggers your emotional reactions. Analyze how you react in tense situations because if you understand you have a better chance of staying calm and quiet. Only after you understand your emotions and learn to manage them, you can understand the emotions of other people and manage your teams emotions. advises how to do it.

1. Accept the power of emotions

Accept that if you want to manage people, you have to understand their emotions and use your mind to manage yours. Do not avoid conflict, use it as an opportunity to learn how to better work with emotions. Try to work through emotional responses by perceiving reactions in the widest possible contexts. Teach your people to follow the same process.

2. Understand the importance of correct timing

If you want to learn to properly evaluate emotions, you must realize that even people's emotional reactions have a certain logic. They raise at certain times and fall at other times. When you are faced with negative emotions, you should give your people some time to calm down and intervene later. In the case of positive emotions, the opposite is true. Get involved when they are the most intense.

3. Use emotions to motivate your team

Learn how to work with negative and positive emotions in order to increase the motivation of your team. The most important thing is to be a role model. Do not promise anything you cannot deliver. Celebrate common achievements and reward them as promised. Create an environment in which people are not treated the same. Motivate and reward individual contributions of each individual to the team success.

4. Boost morale

Use positive emotions to get your people to think less about themselves and more about the team. Show them how important it is to fulfill a certain task and how it will be beneficial for the company. Encourage team spirit.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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