A plumber's advice on how to head for the top


Money should not be your goal: your goal should be defined by a desire to become the best. Aim to get among the very best, aim for the top. Whatever you do, your vision ought to be bold. Be courageous and make a resolution to succeed thanks to your expertise and skills. Your knowledge, abilities and hard work must be a solid base upon which you can build. You need to feel the urge to be an exceptional professional who is devoted to satisfying customers’ needs. Build a reputation for being reliable and honest. Be consistent in what you offer and provide to your clients.

This is the first tip from Charlie Mullins, managing director of Pimlico Plumbers (a successful company providing all kinds of domestic maintenance). As an experienced professional, he has prepared a number of important tips for business newbies which appeared on the businesshelper.co.uk website. Let's take a look at some more and see that a plumber's advice may help entrepreneurs in different fields.

Ask for feedback

Always try to ascertain the current wants and needs of not only your customers but also your colleagues and employees. Otherwise as a manager you will be blind and powerless. Success would then become a matter of sheer chance. With feedback you are always aware precisely of what is going on and can thus manage your business effectively.

Be open to advice

Whenever you don’t know something, just ask experts around you, be they your (potential) suppliers or customers … Make good use of all the people you know and all the sources of information you have available.

You don’t need to go to university to get an education

A university diploma is not always a must: nowadays there are a number of apprenticeships being offered by various companies. If you have a good mentor, you can develop yourself equally as well as when you listen to a distinguished professor. You always have to start at the bottom and work your way upwards. Sign up for training courses and gradually take on more and more responsibility. Learning on the job will give you the experience you need in order to know the business properly. You can use this knowledge later when running your own business.

Choose your suppliers carefully

Avoid doing business with the unreliable ones. If warning signs appear, withdraw as soon as possible. If your supplier lets you down, the consequence is you will let down your customers and in an instant your hard-earned reputation may be gone.


Article source Business Helper - UK web for small and starting entrepreneurs
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