What you need to know about personal branding


Your personal brand is a crucial element of your career, especially if you are aiming for top positions. Building your personal brand is an ongoing, never-ending project. You are never finished, and that is why it is easy to get swallowed up by the task. Stay organized and prepare your branding strategy. Too much effort can be just as harmful as not enough, because real work is important too, of course. Never pretend to be anyone else, always be yourself. And remember: no matter what stage of the branding process you are currently at, always be careful and consider whether you are wasting your time and energy by making any of following common mistakes related to personal brand, as cited by the business2community.com website.

1. Express your opinions

If you choose not to take stand on anything, people will have no idea of what you think about the subject. Let them know your opinions. You will become more trustworthy and readable.

2. Measure twice, cut once

Think about consequences of every action you take, since even little things such as a poorly written article or an offensive or negative post on social media can harm your overall personal brand significantly.

3. Hunger for fame

Never focus on fame, because popularity is not what personal branding is about. Your goal is to share the real you with the people you are working with. In other words, your goal is to control what information and qualities are associated with your name among the people you meet.

4. Go offline as well

Online branding is a good thing, but there are many organizations that like to do business the old-fashioned way. Print up some business cards and meet people who are important for you in person.

5. Do not be selfish

Sure, everything you are doing is in your own best interest, but think about how you build your personal brand. Helping others get ahead is a great way to brand yourself as a good mentor and caring person.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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