Common internal risks threatening your business


Internal threats are just as real as external ones, failure is often an inside job. Too often business owners and managers ignore internal risks and are interested solely in external factors. Whether it is inexperienced workers who cannot really assess the feasibility of their proposals or a crumbling vision, the website suggests looking to see if any of the following threats are beginning to appear in your company.

Staff issues

Always make sure that your young and inexperienced workers work with more experienced colleagues, since young blood is great for new ideas and invigorating thoughts, but experienced workers posses the necessary tenure and acumen.

Employees who are not engaged with their work are significantly less effective and are more likely to leave their current position, since a slightly better offer is a good enough reason for them to leave. Disengaged workers are often a source of problems. Therefore, you need to communicate with them, but don’t show contempt and lack of respect by saying that they should be thankful they have their jobs. Create a positive environment and don’t spread negativity, even if some of your workers do. Don‘t use their negativity as an excuse.

Poor vision

It is great when there are different views on your company's vision. It can help your business to be more flexible and shift more easily in the direction that is required by the constantly evolving needs and wants of your customers. However, be careful, the core of your vision should remain stable and clear, because otherwise you can arrive at a point where there is no vision at all. When the core of your vision is consistent, you can still react swiftly and respond to the changing interests of consumers.

Bankruptcy via stagnation

Never allow your company to stagnate. Companies survive only when they grow. In order to grow, innovations are needed. The key is to be able to create an environment that is supportive to new ideas. Support your workers as well as their attempts to create and nurture new ideas.


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