Are you a leader who can make big changes?


A leader can win over others, get them to follow him and influence their behavior in order to achieve a particular goal. He has a vision and knows how to share it so that it becomes everybody else's vision. The strongest leaders are able to make very big changes, to change the rules of the game. They create new strategies, policies, and new products and services. They modify the way things are perceived and make history.

Do you have the potential to become this kind of leader? According to the Business Insider website, you have to meet the following criteria.

You hate being bored

The best leaders are not the kind of people who like an uneventful, easy life. On the contrary, they are restless and keep on looking for new opportunities, and that is how they create revolutionary ideas.

You can control your fear

Everyone worries from time to time, sometimes more, sometimes less. Even strong leaders worry, but their advantage is that they can use their fear constructively. They know how to change negative emotions into positive ones, which gives them even greater strength.

You have experienced adversity

Leaders who have suffered some hardships in their childhood or youth have a stronger desire to change things. They do not take life and success for granted, but as something that must be earned.

You can dream

Leaders who can make a real difference have a strong imagination. During the day, they imagine what might work. At night, they wake up with new ideas and have paper and pencil on their nightstands so that they can write their ideas down.

You like reading

Leaders are curious and keep on looking for answers. A strong leader is an avid reader who reads about everything that interests him. If a leader is not intelligent and does not develop himself further, he will not be able to go very far.

You are persuasive

Many successful leaders are not very sociable. Many even do not like people at all, but they know how to establish important relationships. They are so keen to implement their plans that they can sell their ideas to the people who can help them.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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