Succeed in realising your new ideas


New ideas are by no means uncommon; what really matters is how you work with them. Everything begins as a simple idea; you then need to break down its major aspects and most important selling points. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to propose or execute the idea you have because you would surely regret later seeing someone else getting credit for what you yourself could have done. The website advises you to examine the idea, ask yourself if it solves a problem and whether you fully believe it is viable. If the answer is yes, then start testing.

Test the idea

We tend to be biased in the conviction that our own ideas are great. So test your idea with people who in some way will be affected by it. You might test the waters either during regular meetings or in internal online discussion groups. You need to know whether there is a desire for the changes you are proposing. Are all or most of the relevant stakeholders interested? If not, try to create interest: you can use the answers and reactions from the discussions to ascertain the bigger picture and how your idea fits into this.

Brand your idea and start with small steps

Your idea represents a certain vision of the future. Create a change which all the people involved can resonate with and relate to. The more people you attract, the more positive associations you can expect to see. Make the brand of your idea strong and desirable. You can start with small steps, collaborating with local units and teams. Eventually the change you have initiated may grow and attract more and more attention, resources and ambassadors.

Persevere even if there’s no instant success

If the idea doesn’t succeed immediately, don’t give up. Be patient and keep trying. Keep your idea simple and remember that big changes and fascinating new concepts weren’t invented overnight. Believe in yourself, that you are capable of coming up with new initiatives and business ideas. Sometimes you just need to adjust your idea to new, changed external conditions.

What idea have you recently managed to push through despite an initial failure?


Article source - open community for business professionals
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