Don't let negative people spoil your life


One negative person in the workplace can poison the whole team. Whether it's an annoying boss or a dissatisfied customer, this type of person can spoil your day because you can't stop thinking about him or her. However, does it really have to ruin your day? Certainly not, if you learn to recognize the impact negative people have on you and take the situation into your own hands. Several practical recommendations were published on

1. Don't let them take up too much of your time

Negative people can steal your time, even if they aren't physically present. If you're not careful, you can lose precious time not only when you are with that person, but also when thinking about how annoying it was to meet them. Unpleasant meetings can't always be avoided, but you can influence what you think about after the meeting. Instead of swearing at the person either out loud or in your mind, do something positive. Talk about pleasant things, listen to your favorite music, or just do something that will be comfortable and more beneficial for you.

2. Consciously choose a positive attitude

Choose how you treat the people around you and how you let them affect you with their possible negativity. Create your own mantra to repeat when needed. It could be something like: "I'll stay positive no matter how the people around me behave." Realize what a strong influence your own thoughts can have. The more time you spend being afraid, fretting, or rehearsing various scenarios in your head, the less time you have for productive activities. Don't blame others for making you angry or behaving in a way which is awkward for you. Consciously decide not to let negative people steal your time and mental energy.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

It is really difficult to see things positively when there are only negative people around you. That is why you should look for the company of positively-minded people. Just like negativity, positive energy spreads very well. First, find positive people around you and then plan to meet regularly.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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