Build your relationships both online and offline


Key to broadening your social circle is getting to know who you know. Two basic steps are all you need. You can use social media to set up a face to face appointment and after you meet you need to thank the person and provide follow-up, claims the website.

Stronger bonds are developed when you are in touch

In order to make new connections and develop present ones, it is necessary to take advantage of both online and offline networking. These two are complementy. Connections are based on relationship building and relationships get stronger when you spend time together. The more time you spend with each other, the more you will know about his or her goals, accomplishments and interests. Online interactions enable you to share your ideas and news thereby creating a better understanding of each other's character.

More connections thanks to social media

Anyone can be charming in short interactions, but it is continued contact and consistent behavior that will establish trust between two people. Such a trust-based relationship is the cornerstone of your social network. Online networking gives you the opportunity to gain confidence in each other. When you feel like meeting the person face to face, do it and take your relationship to the next level. Build a deeper relationship as soon as there is rapport. At the meeting, the goal is to get to know the other person better, you are not trying to sell anything. Listen to the person and perhaps try to propose a solution or an idea when the person tells you something about his or her problems and challenges.

Say thank you and follow up

Even a simple note is enough. Show him or her you are glad you had the chance to spend some time together. When you meet, you could agreed that you will send or do something. Just be sure to fulfill your promise, because you want to be trusted.

Read more about networking using the LinkedIn professional social network in our previous articles:

10 surprising recommendations on how to use LinkedIn

The unwritten rules of using LinkedIn

Do not bother your contacts on LinkedIn


Article source - open community for business professionals
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