What gives managers headaches


Confrontation with peers and with teams often cause headaches for a manager. Sometimes more tolerance and acceptance is OK, but there are situations where the stakes are too high to try to avoid a conflict. Keeping a conflict constructive and placing importance on collaboration and clear expectations is great for defusing a conflict, claims the management.about.com website.

Lack of knowledge

It is uncomfortable to have to do a new task or something new, when you lack the necessary experience and  knowledge. Although it is never a bad idea to sometimes feel a little bit "incompetent", because that is how you feel when you step out of your comfort zone. But when the challenge is too new and big it can be frustrating. It helps to put a development plan in place and examine online resources and books, or make an appointment with a subject matter expert.

Performance issues

Although this task is never easy, it doesn’t have to be so hard. There are ways to minimize the number of cases where your intervention will be necessary. Clear expectations and regular feedback are powerful tools. Of course, careful selection of candidates in the first place, is a highly important first step. Appropriate coaching and learning can be also  be a big help with performance problems.

Hire the right people

The final decision can be difficult, because you know that if you choose wrong, you can end up with many time consuming problems. Hiring the wrong person can be costly in energy and steps need to solve the problem. What can you do? A good selection process is necessary. Consider using validated selection assessments, prepare for your interviews and offer realistic previews or shadowing of the position. Ensure some assistance from an HR expert.

Disputes with your boss

Generally speaking, always try to put yourself in your boss’s shoes. Don’t tell him directly that he is wrong and you are right, because no one likes to be told they are mistaken. Rather try to introduce your proposal as an alternative to reach the goal. Also listen to him, because you may not have all the information. You need to foster a relationship of mutual trust and respect between you and your boss.


Article source About Management - part of the About.com website focused on management
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