Want to become a coach? Time to reset your habits


To be an effective coach is an admirable goal for every manager. The rewards of coaching and developing your employees will be well worth the effort you put into it. In order for this to happen, you may first need to rid yourself of certain preconceptions, accepting the fact some problems may take longer to solve and you are not there to provide clear and definitive answers to everything. The subsequent rewards will be worth it - this according to the management.about.com website.

1. Change of mindset – you are not supposed to solve everything

Many managers still act as if they knew everything better than their entire team together. This belief is misplaced; nor is it good for managing people. By not giving your colleagues the chance to solve their own problem, you allow them no opportunity to develop. The potential of your staff needs to be extended by providing them with some space. You needn’t have answers to all the problems they face.

2. Every employee can develop and improve

You as a manager need sincerely to believe in your staff; otherwise you will not be able to coach them.

3. Solving problems takes some time: be prepared for this

Often it may be quicker just to give advice. Coaching is sometimes more time consuming and patience is needed. Keep in mind that coaching is an investment in your own staff and the potential returns could be enormous. If you are coaching them, they are more satisfied in their job: they have the chance to learn and improve at what they do and your team will thus become more effective and successful.

4. Learning how to be a coach

Every coach needs to create a reliable framework based on personal experience. You can, however, take advantage of already existing frameworks, one of which is the following GROW model:

  • Goal: “What is it you want to achieve?”
  • Reality: “What is the current situation?”
  • Options: “What can you do, what are your options?”
  • What’s next: “What option to choose and by when will it be done?”


Article source About Management - part of the About.com website focused on management
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