How to write real performance expectations


Following these simple steps can lead to clear performance expectations. The  description will not be an official job description, but a concise list of what you want from your employees. It will help you to advertise the position, write a job description and set goals for an employee in the position. It will also help your new employees know what they should do and what should they focus on. You can use it for evaluating new employees or your current subordinates. The website proposes that perhaps similar a list could be made to find out what your employees expect from you, as well.

1. You need at least 30 minutes. Make sure there are no interruptions. Shut the door and turn off your phone.

2. Open a blank Word document or take a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

3. Think about the ideal candidate for the role. What skills and expertise would the candidate have? Write your thoughts down. Think about all aspects of the position.

4. Reflect on all previous discussions of performance and improvement topics with the employee in the role. If you remember a weakness, write down the behaviors or skills that are needed in order to erase the weakness.

5. Now try to write down all important things you implied, but did not discuss explicitly with your employee.

6. Add what you value about your very best employees and their work. What do their results look like and how do they achieve them?

7. You could also look at the performance criteria of the HR department. Describe each item in your own words.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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